Traditional circuit

A cutting-edge blockchain technology

XChain-L1.1, a cutting-edge blockchain technology, overcomes the limitations of existing blockchain networks by providing a solution that connects a wide range of organizations, DeFi and DAO projects, NFT and Metaverse initiatives, and other companies.

With its emphasis on complete privacy and security, XChain-L1.1 is the perfect choice for organizations that require a fully private network. The all-in-one L1.1 blockchain caters to unlimited use cases, serving individual users, small projects, multinational corporations, and governments alike.

While existing blockchain protocols enable the creation of public, private, or hybrid networks, they lack the option to utilize a combination of these types. Additionally, building on current platforms necessitates the use of their native programming languages, which can be limiting. Connecting individual chains or projects is often complicated and prone to vulnerabilities.

XChain-L1.1 disrupts the status quo by establishing an ecosystem that encompasses all blockchain types: public, private, hybrid, and consortium. This approach allows users to develop solutions using any blockchain type and connect with other projects. XChain-L1.1 offers customizable privacy policies to suit users' needs.

Public chains excel in independence, transparency, and trust, but face challenges in performance, scalability, and security. Conversely, private chains offer access control and performance benefits but lack transparency, auditability, and centralized control.

Public and private blockchains function as separate entities, forcing users and organizations to choose one that best fits their needs. XChain-L1.1 permits users to create fully customized solutions on its network, enabling countless use cases.

XChain-L1.1 platform facilitates swift

The XChain-L1.1 platform facilitates swift custom token creation through its integrated Token Creator feature within the Desktop Wallet. Its modularity supports scalability, including sharing capabilities. XChain- L1.1 also incorporates a virtual layer above the core blockchain network, providing an extra level of access control to restrict data exposure and maintain privacy.

As a Layer 1+ modular blockchain network, XChain-L1.1 operates with all available blockchain types, including public, private, hybrid, and consortium blockchains. A notable advantage of XChain-L1.1 is that multiple organizations can coexist within a single ecosystem. Consortium members can participate in network management and data sharing according to predefined rules. XChain-L1.1 enables numerous projects to function independently within a single ecosystem while facilitating complete interconnectivity.

supports familiar programming languages

XChain-L1.1 supports familiar programming languages such as Java, Golang, and Node.js, eliminating the need for developers to learn new languages. It offers a solution that removes the necessity for complex bridges or cross-chains, simplifying communication between projects built on XChain-L1.1.

Projects or companies can join with their existing infrastructure and transfer their entire business or specific processes to the blockchain. XChain-L1.1 is highly adaptable and suitable for virtually any industry, providing considerable flexibility, resilience, confidentiality, and scalability.

XChain-L1.1 framework

XChain-L1.1, based on the Hyperledger Fabric framework, presents a modular and scalable layer-1 architecture. The critical components of the XChain-L1.1 network include Peers and Orderers, which can be expanded to connect with other external nodes such as physical servers, virtual private servers, Kubernetes clusters, and cloud solutions, extending existing infrastructure without creating a new blockchain.

The XChain-L1.1 network architecture consists of Peers, Orderers, CA servers, APIs, and Events. Each Peer and Orderer possesses an external endpoint for communication within the network.

Regardless of whether a VPS server or a cluster connects to the network, communication remains consistent. Peers and Orderers employ GRPC and Gossip protocols for communication and store ledgers based on the number of channels operating on each Peer.

There are three types of Peers in the network: Committing Peers, Endorsement Peers, and Anchor Peers. Chaincode installation and processing occur on Endorsement Peers, while Anchor Peers function as Peer Nodes for specific channels, enabling other Peers to discover and interact with them. Peers can be found and communicated with by various organizations due to the Gossip protocol, which allows them to broadcast their presence in the network.

Peers employ the Gossip protocol to disseminate ledger and channel information, ensuring data consistency and integrity for the shared ledger in a scalable manner. Each gossiped message bears a signature, allowing for easy identification of Byzantine participants who send false messages and preventing message distribution to undesired targets. The network maintains data consistency and integrity for the shared ledger while tolerating node crashes.

Online Peers continuously send "alive" messages containing their public key infrastructure (PKI) ID and the sender's signature to prevent malicious Peers from posing as other Peers.

Peers preserve channel membership by gathering these "alive" messages. If a specific Peer's "alive" message is not received by any other Peer, the "dead" Peer will eventually be removed from channel membership.

Ordered by the ordering service, signed ledger blocks are delivered to the leading Peers on a channel. Peers are authenticated using certificates assigned by the CA, and TLS certificates are also utilized. The Peer's membership service provider governs authentication. The XChain-L1.1 blockchain employs the RAFT consensus algorithm.

In a replicated state machine, each node (server/node) can occupy one of three states: Leader, Candidate, or Follower. Only the Leader node can interact with clients, while requests to Follower nodes are redirected to the Leader node. Candidate nodes can solicit votes to become the Leader node, while Follower nodes only respond to Candidate or Leader nodes.

To maintain its authority as the cluster's Leader, the Leader node sends heartbeats to signal dominance to other Follower nodes. A leader election occurs when a Follower node experiences a timeout waiting for a heartbeat from the Leader node. The timed-out node transitions to the Candidate state, votes for itself, and sends out "Request Votes" RPC1 to gain a majority and attempt to become the Leader.

Hyperledger Fabric framework

XChain-L1.1's blockchain solution, based on the Hyperledger Fabric framework, offers a modular and scalable layer-1 architecture. Its primary components, Peers and Orderers, can be extended to connect with other external nodes, allowing for the expansion of existing infrastructure without the creation of a new blockchain. The Gossip protocol is used to ensure data consistency and integrity for the shared ledger, including tolerance for node crashes.

To maintain channel membership, Peers exchange "alive" messages containing their public key infrastructure (PKI) ID and the sender's signature, preventing malicious Peers from impersonating others. TLS certificates are used to authenticate Peers within the XChain-L1.1 network, and the membership service provider for the Peer oversees authentication.

The XChain-L1.1 blockchain uses the RAFT consensus algorithm for consensus-building. Each node in a replicated state machine can occupy one of three states: Leader, Candidate, or Follower. The Leader node is the sole node able to interact with clients.

A leader election transpires when a Follower node experiences a timeout while awaiting a heartbeat from the Leader node. The timed-out node shifts to the Candidate state and seeks to become the Leader by issuing "Request Votes" RPC1 to establish a majority.

The structure of the XChain-L1.1

The structure of the XChain-L1.1 network includes Peers, Orderers, CA servers, APIs, and Events. Communication between Peers and Orderers is facilitated through GRPC and the Gossip protocol.

Each Peer serves as a Committing Peer, Endorsement Peer, or Anchor Peer. Endorsement Peers handle chain code installation and processing, while Anchor Peers operate as Peer Nodes for specific channels, enabling other Peers to find and interact with them.

To broadcast ledger and channel information in a scalable manner, Peers utilize the Gossip protocol. Each message shared via the Gossip protocol is signed, making it simple to identify Byzantine participants who transmit false messages and preventing the distribution of messages to undesired recipients.

To maintain channel membership, Peers continuously send "alive" messages featuring their public key infrastructure (PKI) ID and the sender's signature.

Before delivering ledger blocks to the leading Peers on a channel, ordering services sign them. Peers undergo authentication via certificates issued by the Certificate Authority (CA), and Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates are employed for extra security.

This process ensures that only authorized and verified Peers can participate in the network, preventing unauthorized access and maintaining overall network security.

The XChain-L1.1 blockchain solution utilizes the RAFT consensus algorithm, which segments time into short, arbitrary intervals referred to as terms. These terms are linked to a consistently rising value known as the Term Number.

During communication between nodes, every node is responsible for maintaining and sharing their respective Term Numbers.

This approach allows the network to keep track of node activity and maintain synchronicity across the entire system.

In the event that a node's Term Number is lower than the Term Numbers of other servers in the cluster, the node will update its Term Number.

When a request featuring an outdated Term Number is received, it is rejected to prevent inconsistencies and potential security risks.

Nodes will not entertain requests originating from servers with lower Term Numbers, ensuring the stability and consistency of the network.

In summary, the XChain-L1.1 blockchain solution is founded on the Hyperledger Fabric framework and comprises a network architecture that includes Peers, Orderers, CA servers, APIs, and Events.

Peers and Orderers interact through the GRPC and Gossip protocols, which guarantee data consistency and integrity for the shared ledger, as well as tolerance for node crashes.

By employing TLS certificates for authentication and the RAFT consensus algorithm for achieving consensus, the XChain-L1.1 blockchain solution provides a secure, reliable, and dependable network infrastructure.

XCHAIN-L1.1 technology is not based on a single mathematical equation, but rather on a combination of cryptographic algorithms and mathematical concepts. Here are some key components and their corresponding mathematical equations or concepts:

Hash Functions:

A hash function (H) takes an input message (M) and produces a fixed-size output called a hash (h), where H(M) = h.

A commonly used hash function in blockchain is the SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit).

XCHAIN-L1.1 mainly uses the Keccak-256 hash function, which is a variation of the SHA-3 (Secure Hash Algorithm 3) standard.

A hash function (H) takes an input message (M) and produces a fixed-size output called a hash (h), where H(M) = h.

Digital Signatures:

Digital signatures use asymmetric cryptography, which involves a pair of keys: a private key (sk) and a public key (pk).

Given a message M and a private key sk, a digital signature (σ) can be generated using a signing algorithm Sign, where Sign(sk, M) = σ.

To verify a signature, a verification algorithm Verify is used, which takes the public key pk, the message M, and the signature σ as inputs, where Verify(pk, M, σ) = 1 if the signature is valid and 0 if it is not.

XCHAIN-L1.1 uses the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) for digital signatures.

Given a message M and a private key sk, a digital signature (σ) can be generated using a signing algorithm Sign, where Sign(sk, M) = σ.

To verify a signature, a verification algorithm Verify is used, which takes the public key pk, the message M, and the signature σ as inputs, where Verify(pk, M, σ) = 1 if the signature is valid and 0 if it is not.

Proof of Work (XHASH):

Proof of Work (PoW) is a consensus algorithm used in blockchain networks

like Bitcoin. It requires miners to solve a mathematical puzzle to create a new block.

The puzzle is to find a nonce (n) such that the hash of the block header (H) concatenated with the nonce (H || n) is less than a target value (T), i.e., H(H || n) < T.

XCHAIN-L2 initially used a Proof of Work (PoW) consensus algorithm called Xhash, which is designed to be ASIC-resistant.

The mining process requires miners to find a nonce (n) such that the hash of a seed (s), the header (H), and the nonce (n) satisfies a specific condition:

H(s || H || n) < D, where D is the difficulty target.

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